
Monday, October 18, 2010

Navratri Weekend

Twin Hayagreevars and Badam Peda
Golu hopping,making sweets and visiting relatives,these were the sights reserved for me this weekend.I visited a home of two sisters on Friday.They live in the same building and even their icons of worship are identical.Check out the twin Hayagreevars in their house! I simply enjoyed looking at the Golu arrangements made in their house.I was reading an article in hindu comparing Maslow's hierarchy of needs and Golu .What an interesting comparison.The first three steps represent survival.The middle three represent comfort.And the last three to the spiritual plane or self -actualization. 

I also tried out a sweet recipe called Badam Peda from Priya's blog(with a helping hand from my husband!).This I made for my husband's cousin Jaykumar. He  is an IIT gold medalist and PHD from MIT.He is such a simple person.He lost his dad while he was very young.And yet he blazed a trail of excellence.He is such a brilliant boy,and all his accomplishments rests very lightly on his shoulders. He is going to be married very shortly and he had come down for a visit from the US.He has made his mother very proud who is also responsible for his success.All the very best to him.

My mom also made some fantastic lunch.Seen above is a picture of the sesame rice she made.It tasted great.

Vilakku poojai and Saraswathi pooja
This is a collage of the Saraswathi pooja celebration at my mom's and MIL's.My mom does a vilakku pooja during Navratri ,I have put that pic in the center of the collage.Lunch was lavish at my MIL's.For dinner we had adai at my moms.I took a bite of the adai before photographing it on Saturday.So this is the way I celebrated my Navratri weekend.Sending this to the Weekend wrap up party 2. 

Also linking this to Tried and Tasted Event, hosted by PJ of Seduce your Tastebuds.Event Originally by Zlamushka,now taken over by Ms.Lakshmi Venkatesh of Kitchen Chronicles


  1. Looks like it was a great celebration,Kolu looks wonderful, I kept for my first time and only three steps :) Nice post!

  2. That truly looks like an awesome weekend.. Anything with such lovely food.. must be great!! I've never had seseme rice.. but will try for sure!! The Golus are worth admiring!! Well done.. to them all.. :-)

  3. Nice to read all the festive details! I made different varieties of shundals and laddus.It is such a joy to keep golu and we get to buy latest collections from Tamil Nadu right at Malleshwaram Bangalore!

  4. I am glad to know that you enjoyed your festival.

  5. Such a beautiful post, thanks for trying badam pedas, hope u enjoyed them...

  6. Thank you so much to everyone for visiting my blog and commenting.

  7. Very lucky to get a helping hand from your hubby in kitchen :)
    Would love to see those delicious Badam Pedas on your blog.

  8. Lovely post :) the golu, sesame rice and vilaku pooja.. oh my.. adai.. all of it look so good and nice.. festive on the whole. classic weekend :)

  9. Hey that's a nice of putting it Nithi..Classic weekend.
