
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Guest Blog: Simhachalam Temple A.P

Machetti Srikant, who hails from Visakhapatnam, is a budding photographer. He is also interested in temples. He wanted to share his temple pictures in this forum. He recently visited Simhachalam temple, located in Visakhapatnam dedicated to the Vishnu avatar Narasimha (the Lion-Man incarnation).Check out the Collage

According to Wikipedia, this is the second richest temple in India after Tirupati, earning revenue of 520 million. The presiding deity is Varaha Lakshminarasimha, combining the iconographic features of Varaha and Narasimha . The image resembles a Shivalingam covered with sandal paste. It is only once a year, during the Chandana Visarjana that the sandal paste is removed, and the image is seen by pilgrims. This temple combines the Orissan and Chalukyan features of temple construction, and it attracts scores of pilgrims from both Andhra Pradesh and Orissa. This is a west facing lion hill Temple.For more details check out Wikipedia and TempleNet .

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