
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Chocolate Yogurt Banana Smoothie

Radhika's Blog hop Wednesday is on for the second week. I have been paired with Priya Sreeram another friendly blogger, with awesome recipes. I would love to meet her someday. Check out her gorgeous Patiala di lassi . While I was checking out the ingredients I noticed that I have banana and chocolate syrup in the fridge. So I thought why not make a chocolate yogurt smoothie. So do check this recipe.

1-Frozen banana
3/4 -milk
1/2 cup yogurt or vanilla yogurt
Hershey's Syrup-4 tbsp

Peel banana skin and freeze banana in a zip lock. Mash the banana add milk yogurt and the syrup. Blitz this in a blender ensure that everything is smooth and mixed well. And your done. You can also use vanilla yogurt instead of plain yogurt.  This is an ideal breakfast drink.

Sending this also to Radhika's Scrumptious Breakfasts .

and..Any one can cook :Series 31 , " Kids Delight - no fire cooking" Event. started by Srivalli.

and Jam hands


  1. interesting blend of chocolate and banana!

  2. wow, what a great 3 flavors coming together, yogurt, banana and the best of all, chocolate, super yummy !!!

  3. what a sinful combination of chocolate & banana

  4. This is so delicious. I love the second click very much. makes me want to grab it.

    Event: Let's Cook – Scrumptious Breakfasts

  5. Anything chocolate I am in :D
    Looks so thick n delish!

  6. Nice combination- would love to taste it minus the banana :-)

  7. thanks for the kind words shalini - loved this twist; looks yum

  8. Chocolate and banana is a great combination

  9. This really sounds delicious. This is my first visit to your blog, so I took a little time to browse through yor earlier entries. I'm so glad I did that. You have created a lovely spot for your readers to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  10. blog hop seems like real fun..yum drink..lok del!

  11. i know chocolate and banana makes great combo, but with yoghurt in it is interesting should try!

  12. I make something similar to this almost every day for my son. It is one way to get a healthy start for the day. I add cashews or dates to it sometimes. Freezing the bananas is a great idea..have not tried that.

  13. Sinful Smoothie...Never tried banana and yogurt combo...Luks very comforting

  14. Thanks for being my 100th follower Shalini. It was indeed very overwhelming. I just wnet through your space and fell in love with it. Loved the interior decor posts. Keep rocking girl :)

  15. thats an wonderful smoothie. looks delicious.

  16. I usually leave yogurt out of my smoothies, but this one looks so good I definitely want to try it! Is that sugar or ice around the rim?

  17. look refreshing and tempting ........

  18. Chocolate + Banana = Bliss

    Thanks for visiting me at A Season for All Things. I'm your newest follower.
