
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Wood apple sweet pachadi

Wood apple makes its appearance felt only during Ganesh festival. Apart from Kozhukattai's this is my favourite pachadi. I really look forward to eating this fruit. I love the tart and sweet taste of this pachadi. A ripe fruit can be cracked open by another fruit. The one which is ripe will break open first. So check the recipe here.

Wood apple-1
Jaggery-1 large piece
Cardamom-1or 2 pods 

Take a mortar and a pestle. Pound the jaggery, cardamom pods and wood apple into single mass. Scoop it out and enjoy. On this note, I would like to wish my readers a Happy Ganesh Chaturthi.Enjoy this traditional beauty. Sending this to Flavors of South India   


  1. Oh, it is a long long time since I had tasted this fruit, love it a lot. Ur pachadi sounds tasty too, I too prepare the same way. Thanks for sharing.

  2. good one shalini- hope u had a fabulous celebration of ganesh chaturthi

  3. I've never seen this fruit..Lovely click...

  4. Oh this is my childhood fav .. once the ganesh chathurthi is over i wait for my granny to make this .. love it..

  5. Wow.. fantastic recipe.. We too make it and my sis loves it so much :)

  6. how I love this Shalini...absolutely tongue tickling.

  7. Just looking at the sweet apple my mouth started watering. It must have been ages since I tasted it last.

  8. I didnt know that this was called wood apple..we add water to the above recipe and drink it as juice :-)

  9. Juice sounds like a good option Padmaja :)

  10. I saw this in the market and was wondering what people make with I know that...looks like sweet mango pachadi

  11. Miss this very much! Haven't tried looking for wood apples here! YUM YUM :)

  12. Luv the pic...It luks like an oil paint..Luv this fruit pachadi.

  13. oh i love vilambazham pachadi:-)

  14. Love this fruit, but didn't know it is used during Ganesh Chaturthi.It tastes absolutely yummy.

  15. My mother loves wood apples!:-) Thank you for sharing!
    P.S. I am following you happily now!My blog is on Food and Drink too,I you wish,feel free to follow/drop by.

  16. My mouth is watering just reading the name woodapple! I miss it so much here. We used to buy these on the roadside after school sprinkled with salt and eat it enjoying the tart and sweet taste!

  17. Delicious pachadi, such a confort one too. Glad to follow your beautiful space dear. Restaurant reviews column is great.

  18. My grandpa's house in Mysore had/still has a huge wood apple tree. We, as kids, would just scoop them out as is or have with salt and rasam powder mixed. My mo would make the way you've made it or make a panaka (juice) with it. Good memories, thanks to your post :)

  19. It's been a long long time since I tasted this. You have brought back a lot of memories. Thanks for posting this :)

  20. Ages since I tasted them,wood apples on those majestic trees miss them so much,pachadi is surely Ganesh Chaturthi special and it looks delicious.

  21. Definitely new to me n it sounds so authentic n looks ultra yummy!

  22. I have had this I think, as a kid! Forgotten the taste.:) Good to see the recipe, though!

  23. Wow . It has been ages since I had this. My paati used to make this ogften and say there is a gnana kottai inside ... so U have to eat a fruit fully.

  24. Liked your paatis take on eating the whole fruit Shanthiji!

  25. Sadly, I never have seen nor tasted the wood apple :(

  26. Something new and looking delicious!!! Yummm :)

  27. When my dad first brought home this fruit I stayed away, but soon it became a favorite at home. Its been many years since I've eaten it and your post brought back those memories. Hope you had a wonderful festival celebration.

  28. Lovely :) A simple, and refreshingly sweet receipe.. Fitting prasad for Lord Ganesha.

  29. Just mouthwatering...looks so easy to prepare and delicious!
